Soja kasutamine lehmapiimallergia korral

Allergy to cow's milk protein occurs most often in young children; although the figures vary in the literature, it is generally assumed that 2-5% of children in populations without specific familial antecedents are allergic to cow's milk protein.

Eggs, peanuts and milk are the most common causes of food allergies in children.
Soya milk formula is a good alternative when breast-feeding is not an option and/or when problems occur, such as cow's milk allergy.

Cow's milk allergy is usually diagnosed before the age of 1 year and occurs in 2-5%
of children. They usually outgrow the allergy from 3 years onwards.
Cow's milk allergy is a real food allergy (Type I), IgE mediated.
The most important allergens in cow's milk are casein, beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin and bovine serum albumin.
Symptoms occur shortly after ingestion and include skin reactions (erythematous lesions), angioedema, Quincke-oedema, respiratory problems (asthma, allergic rhinitis) and gastro-intestinal symptoms (vomiting, diarrhoea) (1, 2).
In some cases anaphylaxis can occur, with possible life-threatening
consequences (3).

After intake of milk products, protein is broken down into peptides and amino acids. The degree of breakdown by the proteases in the gastro-intestinal tract plays an important role.
Before the age of 1 year, the proteolytic activity of these enzymes is still incomplete. As a consequence, some of these macromolecules (antigens) pass through the intestinal mucosae and reach the antibody-producing cells.
Antigen-specific Ig A 's are formed; these can form complexes with the antigen and thus prevent further absorption.
  • In babies the secretion of IgA can be relatively low, which will give rise to an enhanced gastro-intestinal permeability. 
  • If the antigen does penetrate further, other immuno-competent cells are encountered and IgE antibodies formed. On renewed contact with the antigen, an allergic reaction then occurs.


1.     Casimir. L'allergie alimentaire chez l'enfant. Allergoguide n¡ 4.
2.     Sicherer. Manifestations of food allergy: evaluation and management. American Family Physician 1999 Jan 15;59(2):415 24,429-30.
3.     Novembre et al. Anaphylaxis in children: clinical and allergologic features.
Pediatrics 1998;101(4).
4.     Zeiger. Soy allergy in infants and children with IgE-associated cow's milk allergy. J Pediatr. 1999;134(5):614-622.
Laoprasert et al. Anaphylaxis in a milk-allergic child following ingestion of lemon sorbet containing trace quantities of milk. J Food Prot 1998 Nov;61(11):1522-4.